Coca-Cola VS Fentimans Curiosity Cola


In the actual market we can find a lot of new and premium mixers for our drinks, and if we think in rum, the most popular mixer in which we think is cola. The most popular brand of cola used in the Rum&Cola, of course is Coke (Coca-Cola in Spain), but I llove to try new brands and give the opportunity to different flavours. We never know where we can find a better product!!!

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  1. Patrick August 25, 2015 at 2:20 pm

    just read your article, loved it.
    I am living in Belgium and love brown rum with Fentimans Cola.
    The best experience there is.
    I have to order mine in the UK 275cl because I cannot buy them over here in Antwerp.
    Always have a stock of Fentimans, the best there is.
    best regards Patrick.

    1. Oriol Elias October 30, 2015 at 10:38 am

      Thanks Patrick!

  2. Melanie December 1, 2016 at 8:37 am

    Thanks for posting your article RE your taste tests. I tried Curiosity Cola for the first time earlier this week, having discovered it on my grocery store’s shelf while looking for a product with (real) ginger, in an effort to settle my acid reflux. I was hesitant to try it as I normally have to carefully refrain from all products containing caffeine, given that the diuretic response is much stronger for me (e.g. colitis) than for most people which, sadly, limits my participation in many desirable activities (e.g. camping) and makes other activities unbearable (.e.g. airplane flights – I will never again purchase coffee at an airport!). I am happy to report that I experienced no undesirable effects from Curiosity Cola and, happily, it did help with the acid reflux. I remember, in years past, also purchasing undiluted Coca Cola syrup for upset tummies, so perhaps the cola was helpful in addition to the ginger. I’ll want to let my grocer know that I sincerely hope they will continue to stock Fentimans Curiosity Cola on their soda aisle!

  3. Matt August 5, 2019 at 12:36 am

    You know it’s called Coca Cola in the US, too, right? Coke is just a nickname.


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